If the lines of text are too long you can fix the problem with these instructions.
If you download the whole site you can read it on your laptop on the plane. You can also email it to a friend who cannot get it on his computer. If your friend cannot get it, he may have a blocking filter that he may have bought, or that was already installed on his computer when he bought the computer, or his service provider may have the site blocked. You can also take it on a USB stick or a CD to a friend whose computer does not have internet access. It might also be useful if the author of the web site should drop dead and the website disappear forever. Some people attempt to download the entire site using their browser. This does not work because of the structure of the site. Instead, download it as a zip file, then unpack the zip file on your computer. The size of the zip file is about 0.9 Megabytes. Be patient, it takes a long time to download on a slow connection. No matter what operating system your computer uses, there are programs available to unpack zip files. Windows XP has a built in capability to unpack zip files. The next paragraph in this article is detailed instructions for downloading from Windows XP.
Detailed instructions to download with Windows XP: Print these instructions out before you start, otherwise you cannot see the instructions on screen after you click on the link. After you print out these instructions, to get the website as a zip file click here "File download" menu appears, choose "save". "Save As" menu asks where, choose "my documents", then click "save". "Download complete" menu appears, choose "close". Get out of Internet Explorer. Go to "my documents". You will see folder with zipper on it named "waltzballs", double click on it. "Folder tasks" menu, select "extract all files". "Extraction wizard" menu, click next, next, finish. Get out of this and go back to desktop. Go to "my documents". You will see two "waltzballs" folders. The one with a zipper on it can be emailed to a friend, or saved on a usb stick. The other one is ready to use. Double click on the "waltzballs" folder with no zipper. In it you will see another "waltzballs" folder. Double click on this. Now you will see lots of files and two folders. Do not delete any of them. Double click on the file "index". This will launch Internet Explorer at your local copy of the "Home page of www.waltzballs.org". From this point on you can click on the links in your local copy just as you would on the copy on the web.
Certainly I would wish that this website and others like it could be made available free of charge after my death. However, the adversaries of dance will do their best to see that this does not happen.