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Two important technological advances have not received the publicity they deserve.
When turboprop aircraft engines first replaced piston engines they were lighter, more reliable and required much less maintenance. But they were much less efficient and had poor "gas mileage". When some of the sets of stator blades in the axial compresser were made to have variable pitch, it was possible to avoid compressor stall during start up and have very high pressure ratio and improved fuel economy at full power. This was first done for helicopter engines, where fuel efficiency was more critical. Later it was done for airplane engines. The engines in the current version of the C-130 are probably more efficient than piston engines.
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have been the component in all electronic equipment that limited the useful lifetime of the equipment. They have limited service life and limited shelf life. For this reason, in the 1930's Western Electric made theater sound systems with a refrigerator sized cabinet full of oil filled paper dielectric capacitors to avoid the poor reliabilty of small electrolytic capacitors. Finally aluminum polymer capacitors were developed that can replace electrolytics. The new capacitors have much longer service life and unlimited shelf life. The shelf life advantage is especially important for electronic test equipment which is necessary but only used occasionally for short periods of time.